The Truth Behind Drinking Wine and Weight Loss

Earlier last year, the food and health community was rocked with news that wine can help people lose weight.

While this has been inevitable due to the existence of the Mediterranean Diet, this study was conducted in Harvard University, making it more legitimate than just hearing or reading about it on the news.

Studies to Look Out For

In fact, for 13 years, this study observed more than 20,000 women who consume about half a bottle of wine on a daily basis and their results couldn’t be clearer — most of the subjects have a 70 percent decreased risk of gaining weight or experiencing obesity compared to those who don’t drink wine.

The National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism helped make this study even more plausible by concluding that when people substitute their carbohydrates with alcohol, they are more than likely to lose weight as they were only getting less energy from the alcohol they consume than the actual food they eat.

It may sound controversial but with more studies sprouting, such as the one presented during the European Conference on Obesity, of which the study suggested a glass of red wine can elevate the good cholesterol in the body, experts can’t help but agree.

Furthermore, other health benefits are being associated to wine drinking and these include, but not limited to, improvement of type 2 diabetes, better glucose metabolism, and lesser usage of energy from simple sugars.

It is helped even more by the presence of antioxidants that helps lessen the risk of developing cancer.

Wine and AlcoholismWine and Alcoholism -

Of course, these studies do not wish to imply that people should start going to Longhorn Steakhouse or other steak places to eat and drink wine on a daily basis.

Moderation must and should always be the top priority, following the recommended intake of one to two glasses a day.

While there is truth behind wine drinking and weight loss, it is still considered as alcohol so the possibility of developing an attachment or addiction to it is very high.

Based on British Government statistics, wine alcoholism is at an all-time high in the UK, mostly affecting middle-class women.

About one out of five women are drinking excessively, following a “wine o’clock” manner that signals the start of “me-time” or as part of their weight loss regimen.

Stress and obesity are almost, always go together and wine is often the resolution women do to help them fight both issues.

Unfortunately, while it may support their weight loss, addiction can be a long-term health issue that people may find difficult to get out of.

In conclusion, wine can aid in weight loss but it should always be taken in moderation as it may cause other bigger health issues such as addiction and alcoholism.

Category: Healthy Tips