Top Menu Choices from the House of Prime Rib

Judging from its name alone you know the House of Prime Rib is going to be an excellent steakhouse. However, the establishment has quite an extensive menu and if this is your first time going there you might find it difficult trying to plan ahead. To aid you sort it all out here is a list of some of the top menu choices you and anyone you bring with you can enjoy.

King Henry VIII Cut

A cut for people with a kingly appetite, this is the largest cut of beef you’ll find in the House of Prime Rib. If you want just one meal that can satisfy you for the whole night then this is the one to order. Do keep in mind that it does live up to its name – it is really big so prepare to stuff yourself with this large, tender and juicy slab.

Roast Prime Rib of Beef  Roast Prime Rib of Beef  -

If you want an exquisitely delicious cut of beef then here’s your top choice. This is a mid-western corn-fed beef that has been aged for roughly 3 weeks (21 days according to their menu) and is easily their most tender cut. It’s also the juiciest menu item as well so if you want rich flavors and texture this is the one to order.

The City Cut

This is a very thin cut of beef so if you aren’t the type to order the King Henry VIII cut then this is a perfect choice, especially if you’ve a mind to order additional side dishes and more to really get more bang for your buck.

Yorkshire Pudding

This is a very light batter of pudding that’s been baked golden-brown. Its fluffy insides are the perfect pairing to soak up all the overflowing juices from your beef slices. It’s also very popular with kids.

Fresh Fish

Each time you step in you’ll be greeted with a different choice as their choice of fresh fish depends on the catch of the day. This makes it very enticing for folks who want only the freshest seafood delicacy. If you’re a vegetarian – but not a vegan – and you can’t dip into the fine cuts of beef then this is the perfect alternative.

The House of Prime Rib is a very excellent establishment for traditional, Old English meals and these are the five menu items to choose from if you don’t know where to start.

Category: Expensive Restaurants